There are different companies provide one time password authorization:
RSA is one of leading companies in different authenticators like RSA SecureID hardware tokes and tokenles authentication
Kobil is a german company that offer transaction authorisation with mobile app and also provide ChipTAN/CardTAN authorisation
REINERSCT is also selling CardTAN generators
VASCO is a belgian company which provide differnt type of authorization. they provided servers to manage tan list management. some products like DIGIPASS
Posted on 9:09 AM by Softminer and filed under
There are different companies provide one time password authorization:
RSA is one of leading companies in different authenticators like RSA SecureID hardware tokes and tokenles authentication
Kobil is a german company that offer transaction authorisation with mobile app and also provide ChipTAN/CardTAN authorisation
REINERSCT is also selling CardTAN generators
VASCO is a belgian company which provide differnt type of authorization. they provided servers to manage tan list management. some products like DIGIPASS
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