Posted on 2:02 AM by Softminer and filed under

<img id="updating" src="/content/ajax-loader.gif" style="display: none;" alt="Updating ..." />

<br />
 <%= Ajax.ActionLink("Get Time", "GetTime",
 new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "time", LoadingElementId="updating" })%>

Posted on 12:43 AM by Softminer and filed under

Usually by default the Views in MVC are Inherited from Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage but you can Inherit it from specific Model.

first you have to define your model in your MVC Model folder. but when I add this to Page

Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<MyProject.Models.MyModel>"  then I get the following Error :

Compiler Error Message: CS0426: The type name 'Models' does not exist in the type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard'


<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<MyModel>" %>

<%@ Import Namespace="MyProject.Models" %>
Posted on 2:59 AM by Softminer and filed under

recently I have installed windows 7 , during installation it didnt ask for product key and then after installing windows when I wanted to activate windows I get this error.

0x8007232B widows activation problem

then I have solve this problem buy entering product key:
run as administrator

C:\Windows\system32>slmgr -ipk "product key"


to remove water mark windows activation
sppsvc and right side select Start the right click and Modify change value to 4.
Posted on 1:01 AM by Softminer and filed under

I have windows 7 Enterprise and while installing WSSF I got the error that VS 2008 is not installed on my PC but I already had one.

so first you need to be sure that Prerequisites are installed.


Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Vista operating system
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (Visual Studio Professional Edition or Visual Studio Team Suite)
Visual Studio 2008 SDK Version 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
Guidance Automation Extensions - February 2008 Release

and then getting WSSF from MSDN webiste

when installing this, its important to do this steps otherwise you will get error that VS2008 is not installed on your PC.

RUN -> CMD (Run as adminstrator -> run setup WSSF
Posted on 12:33 AM by Softminer and filed under

Usually after getting latest version for the first time TFS will ask about folder, but if it didn't ask you can change the working folder under menu -> Source Control -> Workspace

then you can edit the workspace