Posted on 3:32 AM by Softminer and filed under ,

After installing Android SDK you need to enable Accelerator for having Fast emulator

To publish Xamarin Project on Google play:


You dont need to do all above steps mentioned in xamarin website. (e.g create a google play account and upload it via browser)

Choose release instead of Release ( Goole play doesnt allow Debugging)

RightClick on Publish and then click on Archive.

After Archiving click on Distribute there you have to define a signing identity (Adhoc) then you can click on Save As and export the project.

Then you have to zipalign the apk file:

Update 2023: No need to sign it manually using Zipalign. just use abb format and after Disturbution can be uploaded to the play directly:

go to android skd folder


and jumped into “android-sdk\build-tools\” and for ease, pasted my .APK here.

open a terminal and navigated to the build tools folder, and typed in the followng command

zipalign.exe -f -v 4 mono.samples.helloworld-Signed.apk helloworld.apk
Response to ... Xamarin Publish to Google play
parisalaack said... March 4, 2022 at 10:00 AM

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